

Women's Day

  • We honoured the women staff of our school as we celebrated women’s Day on 09.01.24.Mrs.Lucy ,a lawyer from Villupuram spoke about the atrocities metted out to women in society. Sr.Thaddeus, the provincial of SJA ,Sr.Margaret former correspondent of SJA distributed gifts and prizes to the winners of various competitions.

Republic Day

  • On Repubic Day Mrs.Suguna Our Higher Secondary teacher hoisted the flag, followed by cultural program.

Pongal Celebration

  • The management staff & students celebrated ‘ Pongal ‘ in our school on 12.01.24.We started with a thanksgiving prayer.As the teachers cooked pongal,the students performed cultural activities,debate and Villupattu.Finally we all enjoyed the sweet pongal.

St.Joseph's Feast

  • St.Joseph’s feast was celebrated with our staff,friends and well wishes many of our neighbourhood ,priests and nuns were present.Rev Fr.John Christy SDB was the main celebrant.

St.Emilie's feast

  • St.Emilie the foundress of the sisters of St.Joseph of the Apparition feast was celebrated in our school on 16.06.2023 .Prayer service was conducted by our sisters. Our Correspondent Rev Sr.Rita Mary gave away the prizes for the academic toppers of std I to IX for the year 2022-2023.