

O God, We thank you, for this first day of the week. I ask your blessings, for my parents, teachers, friends and all those, whom I will meet today. Bless me, to start this day, with great zeal, and determination, and to make, the best use of each and every moment, of my stay, in the school, amen.


Thank you dear God, for my father and mother, for all that, they have given me, and keep giving me, their time, their youth, their health, wealth, possession, and above all, themselves in love. Help me, to love them, as I ought, and to give them, what they need. Amen.


Oh my God, I ask you to bless all those who are facing, very difficult situations, either in their home, or in their office, and all those, who are holding, very great, and responsible positions, whose decisions, either by their words, or by their writing, can influence the lives of thousands of people today. Bless me because I am responsible, for how, I use my time, in the School. Amen.


Our Father in heaven, holy be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth, as in heaven. Give us today. Our daily bread, forgive us our sins, as we forgive those, who sin against us. Do not bring us, to the test, but deliver us from evil. Amen.


Oh my god, the origin of knowledge, bless my studies, enlighten my mind, strengthen my memory, and direct my will, towards what is right, Grant me the grace, to seek the truth always, and make me, truly wise. Give me, the gift of knowledge, and the grace, to use it wisely. Amen.


Oh god,
Source of all-wisdom and knowledge
Grant that
I may remember
What I have learnt
And recall it, when necessary.
I offer you
My work and endeavours
My failures and successes
Forgive my faults,
And give me courage,
To follow Thy holy will,
In all things.